Welcome to the Mile Hi Rock & Mineral Society (RAMS).
The Mile Hi Rock & Mineral Society, Inc., is a non-profit organization, with it’s objective being the education of its members on all aspects pertaining to the rock and mineral hobby and associated arts.

ABOUT: The Mile Hi Rock & Mineral Society (RAMS) was formed in 1953/54 as a non-profit organization, with the objective being the education of its members on all aspects pertaining to the rock and mineral hobby and associated arts. Over the years, we have developed programs to work with other clubs and their members and worked towards improving and expanding the use of our outdoor resources. We have maintained five mining claims for our active members and promote several overnight camping trips to these claims. Our Memorial Weekend and July meetings are held at the claims and in July we invite another club(s) to join us for a picnic, digging and just getting together.

MEETINGS: Although we do not hold meetings each and every month, we do publish a monthly newsletter keeping members up-to-date with club information. Our meetings are held on an as needed basis and include a business meeting, refreshments and a program when available. Our May and July meetings are held around a campfire at our claims (weather permitting). Upcoming meeting information can be found in the newsletter, RAMS Facebook group, or in the Upcoming Events sidebar.

FIELD TRIPS: We schedule many field trips depending on weather conditions and publish an end of the year photo review (see the field trip picture review). In addition to field trips in Colorado, we often schedule trips to Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma and to the New Mexico Symposium, and other areas when possible. Many of the trips are held jointly with other clubs and include searches for many different minerals including, but not limited to Smoky Quartz, Topaz, Aquamarine, Amazonite, Petrified Wood, Epidote, Agates and Selenite.

NEWS LETTERS: Our newsletters are published monthly and are mailed or e-mailed to each member. Newsletters are designed to keep our members up to date with activities and information. Although all copies contain photos, only the e-mailed copies (which can also be found on this website in the Member’s only area) are in color.

SHOW and TELL: The “show and tell” is an annual and fun event held prior to the Denver Gem and Mineral Show. Members put together a display of hobby related items of whatever they wish. This may be collected specimens, purchased specimens, jewelry, fossils and other craft items. At the meeting, everyone has a chance to talk about his or her display. From the displays at the “show and tell”, items are selected for the club cases displayed at the Denver Gem and Mineral Show.

OTHER CLUBS: There are other clubs in the area that we sometimes join for mutual events, such as field trips and shows. Some of those clubs are: North Jeffco Gem & Mineral Club, Littleton Gem and Mineral Club, Colorado Mineral Society

AFFILIATIONS: We are members of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS), Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Society (RMFMS), American Lands Access Association, Inc (ALAA) and the Greater Denver Area Gem and Mineral Council, which sponsors the Denver Gem and Mineral Show (www.DenverMineralShow.com). This is a not-for-profit gem, mineral and fossil show and many of our members are active participants on the Denver Show Committee.